(PHOTO: Alberto Cardona)
The race followed a 60km course through the mountains surrounding Arucas, Terror, Firgas and Valleseco and was a mixture of small trails, paths and roads. At the same time there was a mountain bike race taking place that started 15mins before the foot race and also a 30km race (bike and foot). As there was such a small entry in the 60km running race my goal for the race was not position orientated, I set myself the challenge of running 6hr30 (and I also, a bit arrogantly, decided that I wanted to beat some of the cyclists).
After missing the start of the race by one minute I had a faster than planned opening, but soon was in front of all the 60km and 30km runners. To help make me remember to hydrate properly I set my watch to beep every 15mins (something I will use again), and I also made sure I regular took onboard energy gels and bars.
After about 10km I started to see mountain bikes in the distance in front of me, I didn’t change my speed but I soon started to pick off the trailing cyclists (much to their disappointment). On some of the steep rocky trails mountain bikes find it difficult to find traction and it was easy to run faster than they could cycle.
The first half of the course was lovely, with breathe taking views over Valleseco, and the time flew by. After 1hr15 of running I asked one of the cyclist that I spotted had a Garmin (GPS) how far we had gone and he told me 16km, so I knew I was running faster than planned. However I was feeling good and decided to remain at the same pace. It was amusing when I passed spectators that thought they were watching a only a bike race, I told one old man that I had lost my bike!
The first 50km went by very quickly, and I reached 50km in about 4hours, however this is when my problems started. I came to a road junction and could not see any arrows or tapes marking the route, I started to run down a road that looked liked the obvious route, however after 2 or 3 minutes I realised I must have chosen the wrong road and had to retrace my steps. After remaining so composed up until this point, this mistake, lead to the first cracks. My 15minute reminder beeped from my watched and I ignored it, and carried on without drinking, this turned out to be a big mistake! At about 55km I could feel the signs of cramp in my legs, and still I didn’t drink! When I remembered to drink I didn’t think of adding some of my hydration salts, my cramp got worse and worse! With 2kms to go I started to walk, and the cramp eased off, I lent on a wall and stretched out the backs of my legs, this seems to make the cramps disappear and allowed me to continue for another few minutes before it returned. I was forced to continue this process for the rest of the race (walking, stretching, jogging, CRAMP, walking, stretching, jogging, CRAMP, walking, ...). My sprint finish must have looked very ungainly with my grimace and straight legs, however I did finish! 5hours 22 minutes, over 30 minutes in front of 2nd position. The last 10km had taken me 1hour 20 and were definitely the most painful kilometres I have ever run.
Once I crossed the finish line I hobbled to the physio and collapsed on the floor in severe pain, my muscles were visibly contorting below my skin! And all I could think of was when I could run my next Ultra Marathon.
*Ultra Marathon- any race over 42km, usually 50km and above.